
Hacker Friends in SE Idaho

Bifortnightly (Every Four Thursdays, or 13x/year)

Human, step away from the computer.

Tired of living your social life on the internet? Make better friends away from and get among your people.

IdaSec is a free social meetup focused on bringing the infosec community together in the Idaho Falls area through informal, offline gatherings.

Hacker and non-hacker friends with interests in information security, data privacy, online safety, networking, computer science, technology, cryptography, mathematics, GrownOps, cyberpunk culture, and the politics thereof, are welcome, as well as spouses, partners, and friends of all genders. It is a free, chill, independent, non-commercial, unsponsored, no-membership, no-pressure, safe, and inclusive meatspace.

All you have to do is show up. Someone will be glad you did.

Who is running this?

1dark1Melanie Warner (she/her), AKA 1dark1 (Mastodon, BlueSky). I’m a logo designer, graphic artist for BSides Las Vegas, and owner of Hotiron Creative, serving the infosec community. Originally from southeast Idaho, I moved back to Rigby from NYC in 2023. There are several people in this area who work in cybersecurity (some of whom I’ve met at DEF CON), and it would be great for all of us to get together more often in person.

Where is everyone?

We’ve been meeting since February 2024, and our group keeps growing. Some of us are chatting on Signal; message 1dark1 or email to join. Spread the word to friends who might enjoy meeting new people with cYbEr interests. To heck with social media for your social life. Bookmark and share this page, and follow us on X @idahoSec and LinkedIn for announcements.

Practice Safe OPSEC

Anything worth doing is worth sharing. IdaSec proudly operates independently of social media. Share this page with anyone who wants to go.

Upcoming Events

IdaSec meetups are in Idaho Falls, 6-9pm MST.

View Event Calendar (includes cons!)
Subscribe to IdaSec Calendar
  • 06 MAR 2025, IdaSec @ Revival Games, ALL AGES; BYO[food/bev]; free street parking
  • 03 APR 2025, IdaSec
  • 01 MAY 2025, IdaSec
  • 29 MAY 2025, IdaSec
  • 26 JUN 2025, IdaSec
  • 24 JUL 2025, IdaSec
  • 21 AUG 2025, IdaSec
  • 18 SEP 2025, IdaSec
  • 16 OCT 2025, IdaSec
  • 13 NOV 2025, IdaSec
  • 11 DEC 2025, IdaSec

Public Listings

Source of Truth

The most current info will always be listed here. We’ll do our best to plan in advance, but venue and dates are subject to change. See you soon!

Upcoming Conferences

Feel free to email or Signal message anything you would like us to add here.


  • Signal: encrypted messaging to call and chat privately without revealing your number, on both mobile and desktop
  • Calyx Institute: NPO for privacy and digital security that provides mobile hotspot internet for an annual membership, an excellent alternative
  • CTFtime: premier list of upcoming capture-the-flag tournaments
  • Sticker the Planet: home of the Safety Third sticker and other fun hacker merch
  • StickerGiant: preferred sticker vendor

Local Shops

  • Revival Games: indie video game store, new and used systems and accessories, retro cabinet games, group gaming spaces, trading cards, Legos, et al
  • The Book Shelf: indie bookstore, mostly used books for cash or trade credit

Contact Info

  1. email complaints and ideas
  2. Signal message 1dark1
  3. PO Box 352, Rigby, ID 83442, USA
  4. Talk to Melanie / 1dark1


To contribute to site maintenance and related efforts in building this community, donate via:

  1. PayPal, Venmo, Cash App
  2. or buy 1dark1 a drink ;)

Crypto means Cryptography
yeah you Jeff

©2024–2025 IdaSec   |   Site by Hotiron Creative & managed by 1dark1   |   email   |   +1 646 414 4114   |   @idahoSec   |   the best puzzles are too obvious